The Habsburg Way Now Available in Gebetsliga Store

The Emperor Karl League of Prayer is pleased to make available The Habsburg Way: Seven Rules for Turbulent Times, a new book by Eduard Habsburg, Hungary's ambassador to the Holy See and great-great-great-grandson of Emperor Franz Joseph I. Published by Sophia Institute Press, the book explores the astounding history of the Habsburg History.

Few families in history are as renowned as the Habsburgs, one of the principal sovereign dynasties of Europe from the thirteenth to the twentieth century. This new book provides glimpses into the lives of their esteemed members. The lessons that their lives teach will help guide your family in faith and will help you live in peaceful prosperity and grow in holiness. Their maxims could also provide a roadmap for healing the world we live in.

You will read about the Imperial House of Habsburg’s saints and heroes, sinners, assassinations, and affairs, and the impact that freemasonry, Jansenism, and the Enlightenment had on them and on all of Europe. With warmth and candor, Eduard Habsburg shares insights about the Seven Principles (maxims) at the root of Habsburg thought, action, politics, and family life, along with:

  • The main ingredient for a stable marriage and how to create a deep bond between spouses

  • The secret and value to a happy and productive family life 

  • How the Habsburg’s Empire was different from “Star Wars”

  • Five dates to remember in Habsburg history and their significance

  • How to die like a royal (and it’s not what you may think!)

You will learn the key role the Habsburgs played in the epic battles of Lepanto and Vienna and be inspired by exemplary Habsburgs such as Rudolf I, the first Habsburg ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, who helped a priest bring Viaticum to a dying man; and Blessed. Emperor Karl who, During World War I, refused to permit chemical warfare, attempted to end the war through diplomacy, and commuted death sentences imposed on political radicals. All these decisions became factors in Austria-Hungary’s defeat and dismemberment, and so the world dismissed him as weak. But when he caught pneumonia in exile on Medeira, he expressed his intent to offer his suffering to Christ on behalf of his people.

This astounding Habsburg history tells of the devout reign of Maria Theresia Habsburg-Lothringen, mother of sixteen children, who saved the family lands and organized pilgrimages and countrywide vigils in honor of Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament. 

The book describes how Emperor Charles V safeguarded the Faith and how Venerable Magdalena, archduchess, and later Ferdinand II, heroically countered the Reformation. You will marvel at how Leopold I led his people to the pinnacle of Catholic piety and almost became a priest. 

The book also tells fascinating Habsburg family lore and the manner in which their marriages were arranged, and how they promoted subsidiarity and protected people from political exploit.

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‘The Rest Is History’ Podcast Speaks About Blessed Karl, Interviews Archduke Eduard Habsburg